RAY makes light
Manuel Repa, Buchleitengasse 10/5, A-1180 Vienna, Austria

e-mail: ray (at) ray-online.com

Declaration on information obligation (privacy policy)

The protection of your personal data is very important to me. I process your data therefore exclusively on the basis of the legal regulations (DSGVO, TKG 2003). In this privacy statement I inform you about the most important aspects of the data processing within my website.

Contact with me

If you contact me via the form on the website or by e-mail, your data will be stored for six months to process the request and in case of follow-up questions. I will not share this information without your consent.

Data storage

I point out that for the purpose of easier shopping and subsequent contract processing by the web shop operator in the context of cookies, the IP data of the connection owner are stored, as well as the name, address and credit card number of the buyer.

In addition, for the purpose of the contract further data is also stored with me. The data provided by you are required to fulfill the contract or to carry out pre-contractual measures. Without this data I can not conclude the contract with you. A transfer of data to third parties does not take place, with the exception of the transmission of the credit card data to the unwinding bank / payment service provider for the purpose of debiting the purchase price, to the transport company / shipping company commissioned by me to deliver the goods and to my tax advisor to fulfill my tax obligations.

After aborting the shopping process, the data stored in my account will be deleted. In the case of a contract, all data from the contractual relationship are stored until the expiry of the tax retention period (7 years). The data name, address, purchased goods and date of purchase are also stored until the end of product liability (10 years). The data processing takes place on the basis of the legal regulations of § 96 section 3 TKG as well as of Art. 6 section 1 lit a (Consent) and / or lit b (necessary for fulfillment of the contract) of the legal regulations (DSGVO).


My website uses so-called cookies. These are small text files that are stored on your device using the browser. They do no harm. I use cookies to make our offer user-friendly. Some cookies remain stored on your device until you delete them. They allow us to recognize your browser on your next visit.

If you do not want this, you can set up your browser so that it informs you about the setting of cookies and you only allow this in individual cases.
Disabling cookies may limit the functionality of my site.

Web analytics

My website uses functions of the web analytics service Google Analytics (Google Inc.), which can also transfer data to a non-European third country. For this purpose, cookies are used, which allows an analysis of the use of the website by its users. The information generated thereby is transmitted to the server of the provider and stored there. You can prevent this by setting up your browser so that no cookies are stored.

You can always use Google Analytics by clicking on Google Opt-Out prevention.

I have concluded a corresponding contract data processing contract with the provider. Your IP address will be recorded but immediately pseudonymized. As a result, only a rough localization is possible. The relationship with the web analytics provider is based on the Privacy Shield (USA).

The data processing takes place on the basis of the legal regulations of § 96 section 3 TKG as well as Art. 6 section 1 lit a (Consent) and / or (legitimate interest) of the legal regulations (DSGVO).

My concern within the meaning of the legal regulations (DSGVO) (legitimate interest) is the improvement of my offer and website. Since the privacy of my users is important to me, the user data is pseudonymized.
The user data is kept for a period of up to 7 years.


You have the opportunity to subscribe to my newsletter via my website. For this I need your e-mail address and your declaration that you agree with the subscription to the newsletter.

In order to provide you with information in a targeted manner, I also collect and process information I have voluntarily provided on areas of interest, birthday and postal code, and the like. As soon as you sign up for the newsletter, I will send you a confirmation e-mail with a link to confirm the registration. You can cancel the subscription to the newsletter at any time by clicking on the “unsubscribe newsletter” link. I will then delete your data immediately in connection with the newsletter dispatch.

Your rights

You are entitled in principle to information, correction, deletion, restriction, data portability, revocation and opposition. If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection law or your data protection claims have otherwise been violated in a way, you can complain to the supervisory authority. In Austria this is the data protection authority.

External links

On ray-online.com, links to websites of other providers may be included. I have no influence on the content and design of the pages of other providers. Of course, my guarantees and privacy policy do not apply there, I assume no liability for the content of third party sites.


I make no representation that the content available on www.ray-online.com is correct, current and complete. Liability claims based on the use of the content offered here or due to incorrect or incomplete or ambiguous content are excluded.

I reserve the right to partially or completely adapt, delete, change or permanently discontinue my website at any time without prior notice.